And given the ancient history setting, you won't be worrying about dozens of different types of units here.
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Technology research progresses regularly over time but instead of having to upgrade your existing infrastructure every generation, your new discoveries take the form of bonuses to your existing assets.

The designers have also abstracted several portions of the game to help ease the overall management crunch that plagued the first games. There's even a new outline list at the top right of the screen that summaries you armies, navies and sieges so you can tell at a glance what's going on around the empire. Now the team has finally struck the right balance, giving the important messages high visibility while also offering players a way to dig down into the details of systems that might not interest other people. Players were forced to fine-tune their message settings to put a stop to all but the most essential interruptions. The first Europa Universalis games buried the player under an avalanche of pop-up messages that literally stalled the game every few seconds. It's a tall order, but thankfully, the game can be paused so you can issue lots of orders at once. You'll need to raise armies, set trade routes, colonize barbarous provinces, appoint generals and governors, declare war, forge peace, manage alliances, blockade enemy ports, invoke omens, put down insurrections and pretty much anything else that a prospective world leader might have handled back in the ancient world. In some cases, the best you can do is to hold on to what little power you set out with. There are no set victory conditions you're just expected to do the best you can with what you've got.
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Of course, Rome and Carthage are the big players here, but you're free to try leading a lesser power as well. Once you've selected a starting date, you'll pick a nation to lead from among all the players, from Numidia to the Bosporan Kingdoms, from Egypt to Massilia. Although it probably contains a fair bit of ahistorical speculation and game balancing, the attention to detail here is considerable. Progress even further and you'll see their territories being swallowed up by Rome.

If you progress a bit, you'll see them warring with the Aetolians. Each date renders the political, economic and military situations as they existed at the time, so if you start early you'll find the Macedonians in alliance with their neighbors. In brief, the game allows you to select any starting date across over 250 years of Roman history, from the middle-Republic wars with Carthage to the civil wars that brought about the establishment of the Empire proper.